
Of Historical American Music Photographs

Presented herein is a collection of historical photographs and print items pertaining to the musical and radio history of Texas and other (mostly) southern and southwestern states, ranging in date from approximately 1920 to 1980, all of which have been digitized from the R.C. Montgomery/Old Time Blues Collection.  Note that there will be periodic additions to this gallery.

These images are presented in full and are largely unaltered (save for some minor digital retouching) in reduced resolution for academic purposes and your viewing pleasure.  They may be republished on the internet under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License license, and may also be subject to their original intellectual property rights, if applicable.  Respectfully, please do not use these photographs without crediting or R. Connor Montgomery as their source, and please do not use them in any commercial context.  If you are interested in higher resolution scans for any purpose or simply would like further information, please contact R.C. Montgomery.

Creative Commons License